A Toast to Harry Potter! Butterbeers anyone?

12 Jul
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

Daniel Radcliffe is Harry Potter for the last time.

The final installment of the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 is three days away from debuting into box office history, but unless you are fortunate enough to be at the Harry Potter Theme Park in Orlando, FL you won’t be able to celebrate with a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks or Tom’s famous pea soup at the Leaky Cauldron. Luckily for us die hard Harry fans we can make our own pumpkin pasties, cauldron cakes, and licorice wands with the help of The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook! There are over 150 recipes from the movie that can easily be prepared by wizards and muggles alike.

Let us know if there are any restaurants out there that will be getting in Hogwarts spirit and offering Harry Potter themed menu items and we’ll be sure to pass on the info! For now we’ll leave you with the latest Harry Potter 7 trailer, we certainly can’t watch it enough!

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