Occupy Wall Street, Get Free Pizza!

11 Oct
occupy wall street protestor

Occupy Wall Street protestors claim that only 1% of Americans benefited from the bailot received by the Banks in 2009, leaving the rest of us to resort to drastic measures.

Protestors have been occupying Wall Street for just over four weeks now demonstrating against the fact that while big banks have received huge government bailouts, none of that relief has trickled down to the middle and lower class in the form of loan grants and lower credit rates like it was intended to. Instead, the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors say that the banks and hedge fund companies are using that money to pay inflated salaries and bonuses with tax payer dollars. Which is a pretty bold move considering that most blame the banks for getting us into this economic mess in the first place!

Four weeks is a long time to be protesting and while a lot of the demonstrators have been lending their support at lunch, after work, and on the weekends; there is a dedicated group who has been camped out in downtown Manhattan the entire time!  Causing many to ask questions like where do they shower? And what do they eat? Well thanks to Telly Liberatos, they eat pizza! Liberato’s Pizza, located on 17 Cedar St., is selling what has come to be called “Occu-Pies” and encouraging those physically unable to participate with the “Occupy Wall Streeters” to contribute by having pizzas delivered to the protest site. For $15 a pop people from around the world have been ordering these 18-inch pepperoni pies to show their support for the cause.

Owner, Telly Liberatos has told reporters that, “I have nothing to do with the protest. I don’t take sides. It was

Protestors eating one of Liberatos' "Occu-Pies."

a very slow summer. I’m trying to run my business.” Which frankly takes some of the “feel-good” out of ordering a pie through him, but you have to give him credit for excellent business sense! And when you come down to it, if you do want to support the Occupy Wall Street Movement, but can’t support the time commitment I’m sure those who are camped out would appreciate a free slice on you!

5 Responses to “Occupy Wall Street, Get Free Pizza!”

  1. Johnny K. October 11, 2011 at 1:19 pm #

    Are there other Restaurant Row establishments located in Manhattan (or elsewhere) who want to join the growing support for this movement. This seems like a helpful way to keep the Wall Street protest going and encourage more people to participate if they can count on a good meal, especially those folks we see on the news reports who are unemployed. Wall Street’s responsibility is intimately related to the economic woes of our larger society and long overdue in being accounted for.

    • restrow October 17, 2011 at 11:06 am #

      We haven’t heard of other restaurants that are promoting themselves in this way. If anyone out there knows of another restaurant who is we definately would consider that information blog-worthy!!

      • Johnny K. October 17, 2011 at 2:27 pm #

        Moosewood Restaurant, in Ithaca, NY, sent a shipment of food and drink to folks down at Occupy Wall Street. They were inspired by Wide Awake Bakery in Trumansburg, NY, who also sent a food package.
        I don’t know where I would send a food basket.


  1. Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now By Naomi Klein, The Nation, October 6, 2011 | ikners.com - October 12, 2011

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  2. MBAs Aim to Reinvent Management (BusinessWeek) | Entrepreneur-Skills - October 13, 2011

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